If you live in the city of cincinnati and get your dog groomed professionally, this is something for you to consider at your next visit.
This product is really cool and something most salons don’t offer, because it isn’t as needed. Most of our clients live downtown / in OTR, so we wanted to carry something specific to their needs.
This detox shampoo and mask is a combination of two products that helps do exactly what it says- detox your pet. But what exactly does that mean?
Walking through the city means you are walking through pollutants. Smog, dirt, germs and dander stick to your pet and get into the hair follicle. This can not only irritate their skin, but cause human allergy flare ups.
These products contain activated charcoal, and helps absorb toxins and impurities. This stuff really gets down to get out all of the grease and dirt. This is a perfect combo for city pets, and is safe to use on cats.

Included in our pick 2, this is a $10 upgrade. Let us know at check in if you want to add it on!
We love testing these products on our own dogs, Midas approves! He’s all about the city life.
